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Legion of Mary - St. Louis Parish Skip to content

Legion of Mary

Legion of Mary an association of committed Marian devotes has been a stronghold of Christian life and devotion in the Church for many years. The members are humble and mature devotees meeting every week, praying with Mary as their focal point, and serving the community in their own quiet way. In our parish they show a special interest in visiting the sick, particularly the cancer patients near the Church.

Legion of Mary, Adyar is functioning from 1994 for the past 25 years and celebrating its silver jubilee this year (2019).

Legion of Mary

The Legionaries are devotedly involved in various activities as detailed below

Hospital Visit

Visit various hospitals such as GH (Government Hospital), Adyar Cancer Hospital, VHS, CSI Kalyani Hospital, Isabel’s Hospital etc. counsel the patients and pray for them.

Christmas with Underprivileged

Visit the houses of downtrodden during the Christmas season and celebrate with them by  carols, sharing sweets and spreading the good news of the Lord.


Meet the families who need our prayers and counseling.  This gives hope and strength to handle their challenges in life.


Visit the sick and elderly and pray for them.


Visit orphanages and conduct small cultural event and offer food to them


Conduct  catechism class for our parish children.

Church Activities

Assist in church activities like felicitating the May month devotion, reciting rosary before mass, cleaning the church whenever needed etc.

Cemetery Visit

Visit cemeteries and pray for the departed souls during the month of November